Afghanistan/Pakistan (MNN) — Afghani Christian vs. terrorists: who’s bolder?
Afghanistan/Pakistan (MNN) — Afghani Christian vs. terrorists: who’s bolder?
Pakistan (MNN) — Qadri ruling: the first step toward blasphemy reform?
Central Asia (MNN) — Pakistani pastors prevail amid growing ISIS threat.
Pakistan (ODM) — Asia Bibi is still imprisoned, living in horrendous conditions, and is in declining health.
Pakistan (MNN) — Cover-up, persecution, and the Gospel in Pakistan: what’s really going on?
Pakistan (MNN) – Terrorists aren’t the only ones threatening Christians in Pakistan.
Pakistan (UCAN) — Pakistani Christian boy dies five days after being set on fire.
Pakistan (MNN) — Christians in Pakistan putting on a brave face.
Pakistan (MNN) — Brutal persecution puts Pakistan back in the headlines.