Turkey (MNN) — More than 100 days since the first earthquake, Van’s victims are paralyzed by fear
Greece (MNN) — Ministry plans for television Web site to bring hope to a hurting Greece
Guatemala (MNN) — Church boldly decides to build playground instead of worship center
USA (MNN) — Logos Hope is looking for marine engineers and young adults to serve Christ for two years on the high seas
Japan (MNN) — Asian Access makes significant partnership just in time for responsive hearts in Japan
Papua New Guinea (MNN) — Christians in Papua New Guinea take on the load of their suffering neighbors–literally
USA (MNN) — While the world mourns Steve Jobs, Christian ministries thank God for his technology
USA (MNN) — Jaron Ministries International says COPS are an unreached people group
USA (MNN) — Pioneers launches video series to help plant churches in the Muslim world
USA (MNN) — Back to Church Sunday is coming this weekend