India (MNN) — Millions of kids are needy; help even one today.
International (MNN) — Women for Orphans Worldwide commits to helping more families in 2016.
Russia (MNN) — Team creating relationships with orphans in Russia.
International (MNN) — Orphan graduates find a chance to thrive.
Guatemala (MNN) — Guatemala has the world’s second-highest murder rate of children.
Guatemala (MNN) — Orphan Outreach helps special needs kids in Guatemala.
Honduras (ORO) — Education is deplorable in parts of Honduras. Find out how one Christian organization is providing new opportunities.
Honduras (Orphan Outreach) — Changing lives for orphans through trust-based trauma care.
Honduras (MNN) — Defending and serving the voiceless in Honduras.
USA (MNN) — Adoption isn’t the only answer to orphan crisis.