North Korea (MNN) — Negative reactions from recent missile launch cause chaos; Christians are hopeful
North Korea (MNN) — Negative reactions from recent missile launch cause chaos; Christians are hopeful
China (MNN) — You can help set the prisoners free
Pakistan (MNN) — Christians and women will suffer under new deal in Pakistan
USA (MNN) — Open Doors names worst place on earth to be a Christian
USA (MNN) — Open Doors honors Mission Network News for Focus on Persecuted
International (MNN) — Christians will continue to face persecution in 2009
Israel (MNN) — Tiny Christian community in the Gaza Strip needs support to weather the violence
China (MNN) — China’s Communist Party campaigns against house churches
Iraq (MNN) — Two Christian girls murdered by al-Qaeda terrorists
USA (MNN) — Open Doors says ‘Culture of Peace’ summit at U.N. is a farce