Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — See what God is doing to build up the Church in the MENA region.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — See what God is doing to build up the Church in the MENA region.
Middle East (MNN) – SAT-7 gives isolated believers in the Middle East access to theological teaching and Christian fellowship.
China (MNN) — Zero-COVID policy and repeat lockdowns take a toll on the world’s second-largest economy.
Afghanistan (MNN) — “All the callers needed trauma counseling.”
Iran (MNN) — Led by believers from a Muslim background, a new program introduces kids and families to the message of redemption.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — Online fellowship provides more than convenience in the MENA region.
Iran (MNN) — A digital church in Iran provides fellowship, teaching, training, and counseling for Christians isolated from each other physically.
USA (MNN) — Leader urges Christ-like response to naval air base shooting
Saudi Arabia (MNN) — The persecuted Saudi Church is growing — and finding community