International (MNN) — Climbing mountains and claiming freedom for modern-day slaves.
International (MNN) — Climbing mountains and claiming freedom for modern-day slaves.
Hong Kong (MNN) — Operation Mobilization’s ship outreach attracts millions each year.
Guatemala (MNN) — What if you could be an English teacher– in Guatemala?
Guatemala (MNN) — What if you could be an English teacher– in Guatemala?
International (MNN) — Dresses shield little girls from traffickers
Nepal (MNN) — Freedom Climb Everest to help women worldwide climb out of slavery
Costa Rica (OMI/MNN) — What do pearls and human trafficking have in common?
Iran (MNN) — What can you do to help the persecuted Church?
Turkey (MNN) — OM is using the Arts for the heart of Turkey
Nepal (MNN) — Nepali teens gather for a first-ever week-long camp