Russia (MNN) — Olympic-style scavenger hunt teaches the Gospel to Russian orphans
Russia (MNN) — Olympic-style scavenger hunt teaches the Gospel to Russian orphans
England (MNN) — ‘Stop The Traffik’ gives 30th Olympiad a unique ‘gift’
England (MNN) — Nigerian Olympian runs the good race
London (MNN) — Olympic excitement lends energy to evangelistic work
United Kingdom (MNN) — The 2012 Summer Olympics are underway, Christians use the platform to share their faith
England (MNN) — HCJB Global is partnering to provide Olympic outreach coverage
Brazil (MNN) — Compassion team to expose trafficking related to the Olympics, World Cup
Brazil (MNN) — Human trafficking will see a severe spike in Brazil without intervention
Vancouver (MNN) — Sex trafficking sported at Olympic Games
Canada (MNN) — With the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, OneHope is revealed