Ethiopia (MNN) — Three people groups rejoice: The New Testament has arrived
Ethiopia (MNN) — Three people groups rejoice: The New Testament has arrived
Africa (MNN) — Audio Scripture helps bridge gaps between the ‘Old’ and the ‘New’ across Africa
Papua New Guinea (MNN) — The ‘end of the talk’ nears for Biem people
Ethiopia (MNN) — Translated N.T. finally here for village believers waiting since 2005
Somalia (MNN) — Audio Scripture Ministries shares peace in East Africa
Niger (MNN) — Old Testament audio Scriptures to safely pave the way for the Gospel
Nigeria (MNN) — Bible translation project continues despite disruption.
Niger (MNN) — A ministry discovers that genealogies are a great evangelistic tool
International (MNN) — Audio Scripture projects reveal a new need and a resulting new trend
USA (MNN) — Church reaches out to inmates with easy reader Bible.