Saudi Arabia (MNN) — Bruce Allen says it was an exploratory trip for potential future ministry.
Saudi Arabia (MNN) — Bruce Allen says it was an exploratory trip for potential future ministry.
Iran (MNN) — At least 27 children have died since the protests began in September.
International (MNN) — For the first time in decades, the dollar and the euro have equal buying power.
Russia (MNN) — How do these sanctions affect the average Russian citizen?
Kazakhstan (MNN) — Russian-backed security forces arrived in Kazakhstan Thursday to quell massive riots.
Iran (MNN) — Christians face more hardship as political fight continues
Chad (MNN) — Strikes threaten to bubble over into protests
South Sudan (MNN) — Sudan situation overlooked as Middle East and U.S. economy take center stage
Sudan (MNN) — Clock ticks on referendum, church prays for outcome
Japan (MNN) — CRWRC hope G8 Summit will do much for third world aid