Lebanon (MNN) — Triumphant Mercy Lebanon stands ready with help for today and hope for tomorrow as conflict continues.
Lebanon (MNN) — Triumphant Mercy shares about the gift of Christ and celebrations
Lebanon (MNN) — Western diplomats try to prevent escalation between Israel and Lebanon.
Lebanon (MNN) — Lebanon celebrates Independence Day and 80 years of liberation from the French mandate.
Lebanon (MNN) — Triumphant Mercy Lebanon calls for prayers and wisdom.
Lebanon (MNN) — Lebanon and its overcrowded refugee camps aren’t exactly a tourist hotspot. Yet the Holy Spirit moves in desperate situations.
Lebanon (MNN) — Believers in Lebanon are asking the Lord to intervene.
Lebanon (MNN) — New podcast will provide Gospel hope to Lebanese dealing with trauma.
Lebanon (MNN) — Triumphant Mercy and its church partners point to the Prince of Peace, but fear and trauma are hard to overcome.
Lebanon (MNN) — “No matter what happens around you, no matter the situation, the birth of Christ is reason enough to celebrate.”