Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — Help God’s light shine brightly in the world’s darkest places.
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan’s current events make it difficult to believe that evil will not win. Yet, hope remains.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — MLC helps high-impact Christian leaders in the MENA region.
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan’s genocide accounts are horrific. Yet hope remains.
Sudan (MNN) — Gospel workers are coming to the rescue.
Sudan (MNN) — “That inevitable nexus of war – displaced people, lack of food, lack of water – is coming to a head.”
Algeria (MNN) — Government closes churches to stop growth of Christianity.
Algeria (MNN) — Like water erodes stone over time, government pressure wears down the Christian community and avoids international attention.
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan fades into the background as world watches war in Israel.
Holy Land (MNN) — Christians in the Middle East and North Africa react to the crisis in the Holy Land