Sudan (MNN) — Post-coup, Sudan’s interim leader looks to secure power by aligning with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — By studying online, believers can avoid unwanted attention, which often leads to persecution.
Sudan (MNN) — New Christians work with unfoldingWord to change their label from “unreached” to “reached.”
Tunisia (MNN) — Hope dims following human rights violation and power grabs.
Sudan (MNN) — Using training and tools from unfoldingWord, bilingual believers can translate God’s Word into minority languages.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — Have you noticed Ukraine getting more attention than the Taliban’s reign of terror in Afghanistan or the humanitarian crisis in Yemen?
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — Will Ukraine take priority over crises in the Middle East and North Africa?
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — The MENA Leadership Center bridges leadership gaps, expands capacity of Gospel workers.
Sudan (MNN) — Protests continue in Sudan despite a military crackdown that has killed at least 79 people and injured thousands.
Morocco (MNN) — Like a farmer tills the ground before planting seeds, the Lord is breaking up spiritual strongholds in the Middle East and North Africa.