Nigeria (MNN) — Survivor of forced marriage, assault brings the Gospel to her persecutors
Nigeria (MNN) — Survivor of forced marriage, assault brings the Gospel to her persecutors
Nigeria (MNN) — Churches are under attack, Christians are being kidnapped or killed, and hope survives in Nigeria
Nigeria (MNN) — At least 400 inmates remain on the run.
International (MNN) — The invasion of Ukraine slashed wheat imports to several of these countries.
Nigeria (MNN) — Small ministry doubles in size and scope to meet the needs of persecuted Christians.
Nigeria (MNN) — National security and religious freedom closely intertwined in Nigeria.
Nigeria (MNN) — Extremist violence in northern Nigeria threatens the existence of rural communities.
Africa (MNN) — World Missionary Press Scripture booklets provide “fuel” for church planters in hostile regions.
Nigeria (MNN) — ACLED recorded 46 attacks against Christian targets in 2012.
Nigeria (MNN) — Docudramas about persecution in the early Church can help believers who face increasing oppression.