Jordan (MNN) — Last year, Jordan gave the highest amount of work permits to Syrian refugees since 2016.
Jordan (MNN) — Last year, Jordan gave the highest amount of work permits to Syrian refugees since 2016.
Lebanon (MNN) — As Lebanon collapses, scores of young people join extremist groups.
Near East (MNN) — The pandemic pushed Gospel outreach to the internet, and God is moving.
Lebanon (MNN) — Cry Out Now requests prayer for Lebanon and other Near Eastern countries.
Iraq (MNN) — Along with helping its Near East neighbor, Iraq is learning from Lebanon’s tragedy.
Near East (MNN) — Prayer gatherings multiply as people seek Jesus.
Middle East (MNN) — Gospel workers ask God to help the people they cannot reach.
Iraq (MNN) — Prayer needed for Near East prayer warriors.
Saudi Arabia (MNN) — Prayer ministry calls global Church to action ahead of Hajj