Bangladesh (MNN) — Bangladeshi believers seek workaround to reach Rohingya for Christ.
Myanmar (CAM) — COVID-19 closures left one impoverished congregation wondering how they would survive.
Bangladesh (MNN) — The Rohingya people are very open to the news of Jesus, but authorities trying to protect them are hindering evangelism efforts.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Rohingya Christians have been moved to safety following an attack in a Bangladesh refugee camp.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Thousands of Rohingyas are still camped out in Bangladesh
South Asia (MNN) — Monsoon season 2019 is underway; World Mission spots silver lining
Asia (MNN) — Old and new believers face heavy prices as they share the Gospel
Myanmar (MNN) — New Amnesty report describes war crimes and calls for international action
Myanmar (MNN) — Pressure builds following Rohingya abuse report
Bangladesh (MNN) — Food for the Hungry aiding Rohingya amidst monsoon threats