Nigeria (MNN) — Greg Kelley says the Fulani represent one of the most strategic mission fields in the world.
Bangladesh (MNN) — The latest fire killed 1 child and destroyed 400 shacks and two learning centers.
Turkey (MNN) — The prices of essential goods and services have doubled or tripled.
Turkey (MNN) — Turkey has deported almost 200 Protestant Christian workers since 2018.
Turkey (MNN) — Intelligence officials claim they pose a security risk but do not say how.
Niger (MNN) — These predominantly Muslim groups often attack Christians.
Afghanistan — Mission Cry Bible being translated in Arabic to reach Sunni and Shia Muslims.
Syria (CAM) — Polygamy and persecution pose unique tests for local missionaries.
Lebanon (MNN) — Strife between religious factions has stalled government progress in Lebanon.
Lebanon (MNN) — Lebanon once boasted the region’s best internet.