Middle East (MNN) — Muslims are not only turning away from Islam. Many are turning to Jesus.
Turkiye (MNN) — Quake survivors struggle as water and electricity repayments start.
Nigeria (MNN) — How will Tinubu handle Christian persecution and blasphemy accusations?
USA (MNN) — Minneapolis recently became the first city to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer at all hours.
Pakistan (MNN) — FMI supports Christian partners in the volatile Balochistan province.
Israel (MNN) — Pray Christians can remember the Lord’s sacrifice and resurrection in peace this weekend.
Turkiye (MNN) — FMI-supported church planters distribute critical quake relief.
Lebanon (MNN) — Time change confusion divides Lebanon along religious lines.
Nigeria (MNN) — What Nigeria needs more than ever is prayer.
International (MNN) — It’s not too late to sign up for Prayercast’s Ramadan Prayer Challenge!