Nigeria (MNN) — 300 Christians dead in post-election violence
Iraq (MNN) — Pray for Christians as they face extermination in Iraq, says Open Doors USA
International (MNN) — Women At Risk International advocates prayer month for Muslim women
USA (MNN) — Crescent Project just finished 2010 Oasis Conference
USA (MNN) — Millions of Muslims are waiting to hear the Gospel; will you share it?
Middle East (MNN) — Muslims turning to Jesus is the only way to impact persecution against Christians in the Middle East
Ethiopia (MNN) — Voice of the Martyrs says one Christian is dead in Muslim/Christian violence
Ethiopia (MNN) — Extremist mob attacks college students on mission trip
USA (MNN) — Crescent Project gears up for Oasis Conference National Convention Oct. 21
USA (MNN) — InterVarsity Christian Fellowship reports Muslims students at a crossroads