Yemen (MNN) — A new radio program brings the hope of the risen Christ into the Middle East’s poorest country, ravaged by war and threatened by the coronavirus.
Kenya (MNN) — Christians in northern Kenya face a dual threat of the coronavirus and a terrorist organization demanding that they leave.
Saudi Arabia (MNN) — Pilgrimage plans on hold; holy cities under curfew.
Morocco (MNN) — A Moroccan pastor shares how God is moving
Iran (MNN) — Gospel worker requests prayer as hardships multiply
India (MNN) — President Trump visited India this week, and did not publicly address religious freedom, the issue that is tearing apart New Delhi.
Senegal (MNN) — Critical World Missionary Press project nears completion
Bangladesh (MNN) — Rohingya Christians have been moved to safety following an attack in a Bangladesh refugee camp.
Nigeria (MNN) — Trans World Radio (TWR) will be launching its new Oasis AM transmitter on February 1 to share the Gospel with Muslim and Christian listeners across Nigeria.