Pakistan (MNN) — The mob aimed to kidnap and assault women in the church.
Lebanon (MNN) — For Christians to engage well with Islam, Accad says, they have to listen to real experts for information.
Egypt (MNN) — Daniel Hoffman of Middle East Concern explains why Christians rarely see justice.
Pakistan (MNN) — Christians distributing Bibles in Pakistan are having an impact
Pakistan (MNN) — Both minority Christians and Shia Muslims in Pakistan are being attacked
MENA (MNN) — Frontiers USA can inform your prayers for persecuted Christians in the Muslim world
Philippines (CAM) — A remarkable encounter at a highway checkpoint.
Uzbekistan (MNN) — Uzbekistan is drafting a new religion law to bring all religious expression under strict governmental oversight.
Lebanon (MNN) — Peace-building initiatives bring communities together to foster friendship and help the hurting.
India (MNN) — Hindu nationalism surges; more persecution expected.