Kenya (MNN) — Kenya, near the border of Somalia, has become an increasingly dangerous place for Christians.
International (MNN) — Each episode spotlights believers who left Islam to follow Christ.
Iraq (MNN) — Religious division in the Body of Christ needs healing.
Bangladesh (MNN) — New Gospel work is beginning in Bangladesh, home to one of the world’s largest Muslim communities.
Nigeria (MNN) — e3 Partners has used virtual mission trips to continue ministry during the pandemic.
Egypt (MNN) — Revolution: then and now.
Indonesia (MNN) — General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has vowed to support minorities and fight extremism.
Pakistan (MNN) — A Muslim man commanded them to stop, summoning a horde of others to surround them.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Though no one was hurt, thousands of refugees lost their homes and all their belongings.
Near East (MNN) — The pandemic pushed Gospel outreach to the internet, and God is moving.