India (MNN) — Mission India will be restarting its regular programming as COVID-19 cases rise and flooding affects many parts of the country.
India (MNN) — Mission India continues to provide relief kits throughout the country during COVID-19, but also continues to proclaim the Gospel.
India (MNN) — As India’s economy staggers, Mission India is providing relief
India (MNN) — Help Mission India feed a family of four amidst COVID-19.
India (MNN) — Indigenous ministry workers adapt to nationwide lockdown
India (MNN) — You can help former devadasis like Haida through Mission India!
India (MNN) — Gifts to Children’s Bible Clubs doubled until April 30th!
India (MNN) — Despite Christian persecution, God is moving hearts in India
India (MNN) — Matching challenge means now is a great time to support Mission India!
India (MNN) — Author Lynn Cowell shares her experience with a Mission India Adult Literacy Class