India (MNN) — Mission India ministry partner recently visited Manipur.
India (MNN) — The Lord hears your prayers for India’s unreached people, like Rafas.
India (MNN) — Mission India’s 10-Day Bible Club gives kids in India a safe, exciting environment where they can learn about Jesus.
India (MNN) — Scripture and Christian fellowship are what God uses to strengthen His people in hard times.
India (MNN) — Mission India pauses program while students recover livelihoods.
India (MNN) — Just $1 will reach two Indian kids with the Gospel.
India (MNN) — Mandavi’s brothers refused to help her medical needs — but God.
India (MNN) — A new IDOP devotional prompts prayer for persecuted Indian believers.
India (MNN) — Sign up for Mission India devotional to learn and pray.
India (MNN) — Mission Cry sending a sea container to Manipur with Bibles, Christian books.