USA (MNN) — ABWE and FBFA are now partnering together to help churches think more globally.
USA (MNN) — ABWE and FBFA are now partnering together to help churches think more globally.
USA (MNN) — A radio campaign on an urban Gospel radio station provides a vehicle for listeners to help with HIV/AIDS ministry in Africa.
Ukraine (MNN) — World Gospel Mission is bringing a ‘home of hope’ to young people in Ukraine.
USA (MNN) — ICC names the World’s Top Ten Persecutors of Christians.
Sudan (MNN) — Agricultural training supports Southern Sudanese families, while providing Christians a chance to show God’s love.
USA (MNN) — SEND International is looking for a few good men and women to help proclaim the Gospel through radio in Alaska.
England (MNN) — 250 million Christians could face persecution in 2007 says Release International.
India (MNN) — A typhoon in India makes a situation worse for Audio Scriptures International, but work continues.
Japan (MNN) — A new bill requiring Japanese schools to teach patriotism, may help the church reach out.
USA (MNN) — World Vision exhibit at Urbana ’06 brings HIV/AIDS awareness to young people.