Cuba (MNN) — Duo hurricane strikes leave Cuba with $5 billion damage
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Cuba (MNN) — Duo hurricane strikes leave Cuba with $5 billion damage
Haiti (MNN) — Although Haiti’s situation remains desperate, believers are making a difference
USA (MNN) — Ministry sets up staging warehouses for aid distribution in Ike’s territory
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Zimbabwe unity government brings ministry hope for freedom
Bolivia (MNN) — Diplomatic tensions in Bolivia gives one ministry pause
Cuba (MNN) — Ike kills four in Cuba, compounds damage left by Gustav
India (MNN) — Amidst reports of spreading violence, India’s Orissa state Christians return to a different ‘normal’
Haiti (MNN) — Christians launch relief effort for soaked Haiti
Haiti (MNN) — Ike and Hanna crush Haiti beneath their weight
Russia (MNN) — Partner churches ministering to the refugees in Ossetia crisis