Middle East (MNN) — Christians stand firm amid rising persecution.
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Middle East (MNN) — Christians stand firm amid rising persecution.
International (MNN) — The JESUS Film Project is offering three short-term mission trips this March! And you could be a part of one!
International (FH) — What do refugees give up when they flee?
Middle East (MNN) — Refugee children find help for today, hope for tomorrow.
Middle East (MNN) — A severe winter warning is putting refugee kids at-risk.
Syria (CAM) — Amid bloodshed, displaced children find joy.
Middle East (MNN) — ISIS recruiting document reveals new plots of domination, persecution.
Middle East (SAT-7) — Displacement hasn’t stopped children from receiving an education.
Turkey (MNN) — AMG is working to share the Gospel in Turkey through unique ways.
Middle East (MNN) — Refugees and the Great Commission.