Lebanon (MNN) — Believers in Lebanon are asking the Lord to intervene.
Syria (MNN) — Researchers say the twin earthquakes that rocked Türkiye and Syria two months ago were likely the most powerful to ever occur on land anywhere in the world.
Iran (MNN) — Executions could be even higher this year due to ongoing protests.
Israel (MNN) — Attacks targeting Christians rose sharply after Israel’s new right-wing government came to power earlier this year.
Iran (MNN) — You can help The Voice of the Martyrs USA send 300,000 Bibles to Iran.
Israel (MNN) — Pray Christians can remember the Lord’s sacrifice and resurrection in peace this weekend.
Israel (MNN) — A recent push for anti-conversion legislation in Israel met resistance from the United States.
MENA (MNN) — SAT-7 uses media to reach Arab women with Gospel hope.
Middle East (MNN) — Religious minorities stand to lose a powerful ally and advocate as the United States loses its voice in the region.
Middle East (MNN) — God is moving in miraculous ways to transform hearts and lives.