Ukraine (MNN) — New TWR programming points people in Ukraine and Russia to Jesus – the only source of real hope.
Ukraine (MNN) — New TWR programming points people in Ukraine and Russia to Jesus – the only source of real hope.
Ukraine (MNN) — Russia drafts conscripts to fight thousands of ordinary Ukrainians, including TransWorld Radio staff.
Russia/Belarus (MNN) — Russian Christians help refugees from Ukraine in practical ways, like providing food and shelter.
Ukraine (MNN) — IMM releases videos in Russian to frontline Gospel workers and creates new resources in Ukrainian.
Ukraine (MNN) — Over two million people fled Ukraine in the past two weeks, including TWR staff.
International (MNN) — International Media Ministries hopes their content will reach many hurting people this year.
Iran (MNN) — A larger media blockage is probable, and would hamper Gospel outreach.
International (MNN) — Media ministry finds creative work-around for evangelism.
International (MNN) – All over the world, people tune in to learn the Good News.
International (MNN) — Style, culture, age present Gospel barriers; ‘Legion’ overcomes them all