USA (MNN) — Earlier this year, a Gallup survey of Generation Z found 1 in 6 identified as LGBT.
USA (MNN) — Earlier this year, a Gallup survey of Generation Z found 1 in 6 identified as LGBT.
Kyrgyzstan (MNN) — The practice was only officially outlawed in 1994.
Former Soviet Union (MNN) — “We support schools in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, in Central Asia, and Kazakhstan.”
International (MNN) — False world-views about men and women lead to increased domestic violence as billions are confined to their homes by COVID-19.
Morocco (MNN) — A Moroccan pastor shares how God is moving
Pakistan (MNN) — In Pakistan, young girls are married in forced/arranged marriages
Indonesia (MNN) — Christian girls are being raped to diffuse the spread of Christianity
India (MNN) — India Partners empowering women with skills training
Lebanon (MNN) — Illegal marriages in Lebanon are creating stateless children
China (MNN) — China Partner is working to heal marriages and ministries for Chinese believers