Ivory Coast (MNN) — Bloody past won’t stop a future of freedom and peace.
Ivory Coast (MNN) — Bloody past won’t stop a future of freedom and peace.
Ghana (MNN) — Local credit union helps community make eternal investments.
Latin America/India (MNN) — Young leaders empowered for the Great Commission
Ghana (MNN) — Ministry comes alongside local pastors to mobilize believers
Peru (MNN) — Economic boom in Peru behind hope for a bright future
International (MNN) — A sisterhood of ministry to sustain growth
Ghana (MNN) — Business leaders use Global Advance training to start a bank
Germany (MNN) — Uncertain economy creates fertile fields for the seeds of the Gospel in Germany
China (MNN) — Marketplace Ministry works with emerging market in China
Vietnam (MNN) — Uprisings, crackdowns, and open doors are all part of the modern face of Vietnam