Int’l (MNN) — AMG International provides Bundles of Love to needy families
Int’l (MNN) — AMG International provides Bundles of Love to needy families
South Sudan (MNN) — Ministry shares spiritual healing and helps with physical healing
India (MNN) — Financial walls closing in for cash society
India (MNN) — Does church planting make a difference? More than you know.
India (AMG) — AMG workers are coming face-to-face with leprosy.
India (MNN) — A sewing machine, the persistence of believers, and salvation.
India (MNN) — Leprosy in India touched by loving hands to share the gospel.
India (MNN) — ‘Pay it forward’ takes on a whole new meaning in India.
India (MNN) — Stigma dogs leprosy patients; Gospel key in relieving the pain of isolation