Lebanon (MNN) — Pandemic hits Lebanon hard after economic downturn closes out 2019
Lebanon (MNN) — Even as Lebanon faces its worst crisis in 30 years, Horizons International models the hope and the love of Jesus Christ.
Lebanon (MNN) — As protests resume, Lebanese Christians help those in need and join the Global Church in prayer and unity.
Near East (MNN) — Prayer gatherings multiply as people seek Jesus.
Lebanon (MNN) — Officials declare four-day shutdown to keep COVID-19 at bay.
Lebanon (MNN) — ABTS will offer an online residency program as COVID-19 precautions make the normal 2-week residency impossible.
Syria (MNN) — Syria seems hopeless, but God is still moving in this war-torn nation.
Lebanon (MNN) — Lebanon faces not only COVID-19, but a financial crisis and a food shortage. Now, protests have started back up, after a brief lull due to the coronavirus.
MENA (MNN) — Ministries team up with one goal: reaching millions with the Good News of Christ.
Middle East (MNN) — Gospel workers ask God to help the people they cannot reach.