India (MNN) — Persecution in India is a growing reality for Christians. Here’s what you need to know.
India (MNN) — Persecution in India is a growing reality for Christians. Here’s what you need to know.
International (MNN) — Radio allows TWR to reach people in some of the world’s most difficult places.
Ukraine (MNN) – Ukraine’s military damaged an important bridge connecting the Crimea Peninsula to the mainland. Russian and Ukrainian Christian leaders set the example for repairing bridges of another kind and seeking reconciliation.
India (MNN) – Neither the federal government nor local authorities have stopped the violent attacks happening in India’s Manipur state. Trans World Radio believes change starts when individual lives are transformed through knowing Jesus.
Guam (MNN) — The National Weather Service expects Super Typhoon Mawar to reach peak force today.
India (MNN) — Forty-five years after its first radio broadcast, TWR India produced biblical content in 150 languages.
Russia (MNN) — A new Russian law criminalizes referring to the conflict as a “war.”
Nigeria (MNN) — Crises in Afghanistan and Haiti may dominate mainstream news, but equally dire circumstances plague Nigeria.
Nigeria (MNN) — Nigeria’s government is considering a bill that would criminalize ransom payments for the return of abducted schoolchildren.
International (MNN) — Join TWR in celebrating World Radio Day!