East Africa (MNN) — Three countries, one people group, 1,500th JESUS Film
East Africa (MNN) — Three countries, one people group, 1,500th JESUS Film
International (Wycliffe Associates) — Translators work ‘smarter’ to share God’s Word.
International (FCBH) — Millions able to hear God’s Word for the first time.
Ghana (MNN) — Tackling translations of God’s Word.
International (MNN) — Multilingual kids get the Gospel through Multilingual Education
Indonesia (MNN) — A new tool takes shape for Wycliffe Bible translators in Indonesia
International (MNN) — Nine new recordings makes the Gospel available to millions
India (MNN) — Christian radio broadcasts into India is preparing hearts for change
International (MNN) — Millions more will have the Bible available at the click of a mouse