International (MNN) — The Jesus Film tells the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection based on the Gospel of Luke.
International (MNN) — The Jesus Film tells the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection based on the Gospel of Luke.
International (MNN) –The messaging app WhatsApp fell under controversy in January.
USA (MNN) — Native Christians are responding to elders’ needs with help and hope.
Worldwide (MNN) — Wycliffe USA works to educate the younger generation on the importance of Bible translation
International (MNN) — Thousands of languages around the world have no writing system.
United States — Do you have what it takes to bring Bible translations to fellow believers?
Lebanon (MNN) — Christian resources are great, unless they’re in the wrong language
International (MNN) — Why survey work is critical for sign language Bible translations
USA (MNN) — Summer vacation does not mean a break in Bible translation…
International (MNN) — World Missionary Press’s revised coloring books are making a deep impact in children’s lives in the best and worst of times