Pakistan (MNN) — Local pastors answer the call to reach the Persian-speaking world.
Pakistan (MNN) — Local pastors answer the call to reach the Persian-speaking world.
International (MNN) — Why accessibility and brokenness in our prayers matter
South Asia (MNN) – Translating Scripture brings challenge and opportunity.
Kenya (MNN) – Reaching Kenya requires a nation rather than a country-focused approach.
Palestine (MNN) — Do you have ESL certification and a heart for international ministry?
Middle East North Africa (MNN) — Sign language Bible translations begin in unreached communities
South Africa (MNN) — Bibles For The World plans an evangelism festival in South Africa
Int’l (MNN) — Wycliffe Bible Translators is tackling Scripture translation for endangered languages.
United States (MNN) — Can you imagine the day God’s Word is in every tongue?
Indonesia (MNN) — MAF partnerships accelerate Bible translation in Papua!