USA (MNN) — Wycliffe USA offers internships for gap year grads and students
China (MNN) — Students and parents from Inner Mongolia gathered to protest new Mandarin textbooks.
Japan (MNN) — Wycliffe Bible Translators helps with Japanese Sign Language translation
International (MNN) – TWR now offers programs in 275 languages.
Nigeria (MNN) — Trans World Radio (TWR) will be launching its new Oasis AM transmitter on February 1 to share the Gospel with Muslim and Christian listeners across Nigeria.
Int’l (MNN) — 2019 brought new opportunities for Deaf ministry with DOOR
International (MNN) — Bringing the Gospel to oral cultures in 2020
USA (MNN) – DOOR International brings the Gospel to often isolated deaf communities
South Sudan (MNN) – A heart of generosity guides Keliko belivers.
International (MNN) — Production will take at least three years; will you pray?