International (MNN) — Learn the facts about gospel ministry to the Deaf.
International (MNN) — Learn the facts about gospel ministry to the Deaf.
International (MNN) — A new, fully animated JESUS film is coming to help reach the unreached.
Afghanistan (MNN) — New audio resources will bring the gospel to Afghan kids and their families this coming year.
South Sudan (MNN) — Community brings Deaf people together in South Sudan to learn about Jesus.
Thailand (MNN) — Although the gospel of Christ will never change, Christians have to approach different cultures in unique ways.
Thailand (MNN) — An exciting gospel video project will soon be reaching the Buddhist world with the hope of Christ!
International (MNN) — At first glance, it might look like a simple children’s Bible, but Open Bible Stories is much more.
Eritrea (MNN) — Eritrea and Ethiopia’s relationship is complex, but Bible translation work for the Kunama continues across borders and continents.
International (MNN) — For Deaf people without formal education or even a sign language, reading the Bible is impossible. Or is it?
Brazil (MNN) – In northern Brazil, Scripture is beginning to be shared in a language that millions of people speak.