Kyrgyzstan (MNN) — Kyrgyzstan presents new challenges and opportunities for the Gospel.
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Kyrgyzstan (MNN) — Kyrgyzstan presents new challenges and opportunities for the Gospel.
Kazakhstan (MNN) — After many years of outreach, a harvest!
Kazakhstan (MNN) — After many years of outreach, a harvest!
Central Asia (MNN) — Persecution, militant Islam on the rise in Central Asia
Central Asia (MNN) — Workers help families in the name of Christ
Kyrgyzstan (MNN) — Officials try to expand list of punishable religious activities
Central Asia (MNN) — Kyrgyzstan takes another step to curb religious freedom
Central Asia (MNN) — BGR provides two critical needs: food and education
Kyrgyzstan (MNN) — Kyrgyzstan is in crisis, government coalition falls over economic woes
Kyrgyzstan (MNN) — Case defending attacked Christians likely to go to the Supreme Court