DRC (MNN/MAF) — Conjoined twins saved through ministry’s medical flight
DRC (MNN/MAF) — Conjoined twins saved through ministry’s medical flight
Papua New Guinea (NTM) — This plane will change the way remote tribes are reached.
PNG (MNN) — They didn’t know that God had been working the whole time.
USA (MNN) — MAF to Purchase Two KODIAKS for Ministry Work in Indonesia.
USA (MNN) — MAF to purchase two KODIAKS for ministry work in Indonesia
Papua New Guinea (MNN/WAS) — Funds needed for new airplane to accelerate Bible translation
Indonesia (MNN) — New Tribes Mission’s first Kodiak en route
USA (MNN) — New Kodiaks to be delivered as grant dollars are matched
Indonesia (MNN) — MAF’s first Kodiak is on its way to Indonesia
USA (MNN) — Mission Aviation Fellowship’s participation in AirVenture exceeds expectations