North Korea (MNN) — Defectors say North Koreans will be forced to cry over Kim Jong-Il
North Korea (MNN) — Defectors say North Koreans will be forced to cry over Kim Jong-Il
North Korea (MNN) — Christians fear another Kim in North Korea, as second-generation leader dies
North Korea (MNN) — New leadership coming in North Korea could bring a wave of aggression
North Korea (MNN) — Balloon campaign meets with violent reaction from North Korea
North Korea (MNN) — Kim Jong Il positions son to take over the country
North Korea (MNN) — North, South Korea exchange deadly fire
North Korea (MNN) — North Korea celebrates leader’s birthday while thousands are starving to death
North Korea (MNN) — Negative reactions from recent missile launch cause chaos; Christians are hopeful
USA (MNN) — North Korean Freedom Week remembers the suffering; people called to pray