Guatemala (MNN) — A new partnership means resourcing children’s ministries in Guatemala City.
Turkiye (MNN) — FMI is helping local Christians support quake-affected kids and families.
Turkiye/Syria (MNN) — CEF is ministering to kids with backpacks and booklets.
International (CEF) — You can get involved in sharing Jesus with kids through CEF!
China (MNN) — Keys for Kids plans to reach children in China with the Gospel!
USA (MNN/CEF) — CEF has a surprising response to growth of Satan clubs.
Ukraine (MNN) — Russia’s invasion of Ukraine meant an interruption in education for thousands of kids.
International (MNN) — Volunteer at a Christmas Party Club with CEF!
India (MNN) — Matching grant will double gifts to Mission India’s 10-Day Children’s Bible Clubs.
Iran (MNN) — The average age of protestors arrested in Iran is just 15.