India (MNN) — Mission India ministry partner recently visited Manipur.
International (MNN) — One long-term consequence of war isn’t always so quickly seen, but it is devastating: loss of education.
Haiti (MNN) — As food insecurity levels reach new heights in Haiti, Christian World Outreach is able to keep its doors open to serve kids and women.
China (MNN) — It’s illegal to evangelize children in China. But in the Chinese diaspora, children’s Bibles just might reach their entire family.
India (MNN) — Mission India’s 10-Day Bible Club gives kids in India a safe, exciting environment where they can learn about Jesus.
Lebanon (MNN) — Hostilities in southern Lebanon represent the biggest spike in tension since 2006 war.
USA (MNN) — Public schools in America are a key mission field.
India (MNN) — Just $1 will reach two Indian kids with the Gospel.
Israel/Gaza (MNN) — The Bible Society in Israel provides biblical resources in Hebrew for kids.
FSU (MNN) — Each Immanuel’s Child Christmas gift reaches a kid with the Gospel.