South Sudan (MNN) — South Sudan’s citizens find stability amidst civil war.
South Sudan (MNN) — South Sudan’s citizens find stability amidst civil war.
International (MNN) — Service teams see lives transformed in six different countries.
USA (MNN) — Cycling 3,500 miles to help orphans find a sanctuary. Will you help?
Lebanon (KAI) — The Oasis helps scarred children find a fresh start.
Guatemala (MNN) — Abused children are finding hope in a hopeless place.
South Sudan (MNN) — Birthday for South Sudan overshadowed by War, Death, Famine, and Disease.
Middle East (MNN) — Children exploited, used as weapons by ISIS.
Lebanon (MNN) — The strength of diversity could usher in strength of unity.
Guatemala (MNN) — Kid’s Alive works help abused girls in Guatemala.
Kenya (MNN) — Kids Alive International rescues children in need.