USA (MNN) — Keys for Kids is an invaluable resource for Christian adults discipling the next generation.
Guatemala (MNN) — A new partnership means resourcing children’s ministries in Guatemala City.
Moldova (MNN) — Russia plans to turn Europe’s poorest nation into a puppet state.
USA (MNN) — Participants described Jesus as wise and loving.
Iran (MNN) — The average age of protestors arrested in Iran is just 15.
USA (MNN) — Keys for Kids Ministries helps young people guard their hearts by knowing and following Jesus.
Poland (MNN) — Before the pandemic, ministry partners helped Keys for Kids Ministries translate its youth devotionals into Ukrainian and Russian.
Ukraine (MNN) — Prolonged or repeated exposures to helplessness are a major factor leading to depression.
Ukraine (MNN) — Keys for Kids Ministries prints 200,000 devotionals; partners place hope in the hands of scared refugees.
Ukraine (MNN) — Believers won’t give up hope because they see God’s timing in action.