Central Asia (MNN) — Christians and ministries sense increasing pressure.
Central Asia (MNN) — Christians and ministries sense increasing pressure.
Central Asia (MNN) — Many Russians and Ukrainians own companies in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
Belarus (MNN) — Her parents, both alcoholics, gave her to an orphanage at birth.
Kazakhstan (MNN) — Russian forces may have restored order, but tension bubbles below the surface.
Kazakhstan (MNN) — Russian-backed security forces arrived in Kazakhstan Thursday to quell massive riots.
International (MNN) — Religious freedom advocates outline challenges in 26 nations, recommend administrative action.
Kazakhstan (MNN) — Some estimate as many as one in four pastors in Kazakhstan have served prison time.
Kazakhstan (MNN) — Religious freedom restrictions are rising in Kazakhstan.
International (MNN) — World Missionary Press scripture booklets are being sent into Muslim-majority areas
Eastern Europe (MNN) — Slavic Gospel Association recognizes the hard work women are putting in to support ministry work