Burma (MNN) — Ministry urges prayer for Burma’s upcoming election
Burma (MNN) — Ministry urges prayer for Burma’s upcoming election
Burma (MNN) — More voices added to chorus calling for probe on human rights abuses in Myanmar
Burma (MNN) — U.S. backs ‘war crimes’ panel for Burma
Burma (MNN) — Thousands of Karen in Burma are dead or displaced, help from Christians is needed
Burma (MNN) — Vision Beyond Borders says DVD will help Christians pray for Burma
Burma (MNN) — Ministry fears tribals in Burma will be slaughtered as the election nears
Burma (MNN) — Burma follows in the footsteps of other rogue nations
Burma (MNN) — Refugees try to reclaim normalcy amidst post-election tensions
Burma (MNN) — Ministry encouraged by release of Suu Kyi
Burma (MNN) — Genocide has finally received some international attention