Belarus (MN) — Sunday saw the largest protest in the history of Belarus.
Belarus (MN) — Sunday saw the largest protest in the history of Belarus.
Iran (MNN) — New law prevents Iranians from sharing the Gospel online
Int’l (MNN) — Just as God gives different spiritual gifts, he gives different vocational callings. The Church must encourage people to follow those God-given calls into difficult public forums.
Int’l (MNN) – Social justice is a term that gets thrown around a lot but is tricky to nail down. However, for Compassion International social justice is at the heart of the kingdom of God.
India (MNN) — Get creative this Christmas with India Partners’ Gift Catalog
Egypt (MNN) – Coptic Christians vulnerable to attack as Christmas season approaches
Pakistan (MNN) — New developments after years of silence in Asia Bibi’s case
Tukey (MNN) A call for prayer as his case develops
Peru (MNN) — Freedom Challenge to climb to Machu Picchu while raising money to fight human trafficking
Turkey (MNN) — Ministries cautiously watching purge and praying