International (MNN) — The invasion of Ukraine slashed wheat imports to several of these countries.
International (MNN) — The invasion of Ukraine slashed wheat imports to several of these countries.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — MENA Leadership Center prepares Gospel workers for persecution.
Lebanon (MNN) — Critics of the deal say it won’t help long-term.
Jordan (MNN) — Another major challenge surfaces in Jordan.
Jordan (MNN) — Making the Gospel relatable is key to engaging Next Generation in church leadership.
Jordan (MNN) – Life was miserable until Farrah came to know Christ as her Savior.
Jordan (MNN) — While they have opportunity, Redemptive Stories helps refugees in Christ’s name.
Jordan (MNN) — Syrian refugees prepare for a hard winter during COVID-19
Near East (MNN) — The pandemic pushed Gospel outreach to the internet, and God is moving.
Lebanon (MNN) — Cry Out Now requests prayer for Lebanon and other Near Eastern countries.