India (MNN) — Members of India’s Meitei people group turn against their own as violence enters a second month in Manipur state.
India (MNN) — A new inferno of mob violence sets communities ablaze in northeast India.
India (MNN) — Partner with Bibles For The World as they bring physical aid and the hope of Christ to survivors.
India (MNN) — Manipur’s Hindu majority people group and Christian tribal minorities have lived in tension for years.
India (MNN) – Bibles For The World partners with a church planting leader in India’s Bihar state to share the Gospel among the unreached.
Vietnam (MNN) — An event paused for three years finally takes place this weekend.
India (MNN) — Monks call upon Hindu crowds to stockpile weapons to kill Christians and Muslims.
India (MNN) — India remains one of the world’s most dangerous places to follow Christ.
Mongolia (MNN) — It took place in the capital city of Ulaan Baatar.
India (MNN ) — But in India, Muslims and Christians often face persecution.